Composition and Lighting

I now have everything in Unreal, and set up for the most part. I have detail normals for most of my assets for closeup detail and general lighting is in scene. I have height fog to create atmospheric fog along with a very low intensity directional light, but most of the lighting is coming from point lights at the candles and fire pits.

I'm having quite a bit of trouble with my lighting. I've gotten to a point where I'm kinda satisfied but still feel like something isn't quite right. I feel like my main centerpiece isn't the most readable and I'm not sure whether that's to do with reflectivity, texturing or the lighting...maybe all three? I will keep trying to tweak with lights, and I will try adding a post process volume and adjusting value to get something I like.  This will allow me to create a LUT using Photoshop which might look really cool.

For the pictures on the columns and wall, they're just images I found of Egyptian paintings online that I imported and create a deferred decal material. This was quite easy, however, I rushed this part. if I was to do this properly, I would handpaint my own textures or cut out the exact paintings out of the images, and then create a PNG with transparency so that the background of the image doesn't interfere with the basecolour of the mesh it's being projected on. If I were to draw my own textures, this would also remove the original noise the image has from it not being painted on stone, etc.


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